When Painting Walls Do You Have to Cut in Twice?

Are you taking on your first DIY home painting project? It’s not enough that you have the right paint and tools for the job– you also have to know the best way to go about it.

One of the most common questions of homeowners who are inexperienced in painting is whether you need to cut in twice when painting. In this article, we will not only answer this question, but will also share our expert tips on other relevant aspects of painting. 

Do I Need to Cut in Twice?

The short answer? Yes.

It is actually recommended to cut in for every layer of paint you add. So basically, you should cut in your walls first, and then roll out.

Once the layer of paint is dry, cut in for the second time and then roll out again. Repeat this step depending on how many layers of paint you add to your walls.

If you only cut in your first layer, what will happen is that the edges will remain slightly lighter compared to the rest of the wall.

Cutting in and Painting on the Same Day

You will achieve the best outcome when you cut in and paint on the same day. It is recommended to cut in just one wall and then roll it out immediately. Doing this will yield the smoothest and most even results because the paint will blend well. 

On the other hand, letting the paint dry overnight and then rolling out will make the task more challenging and will most likely lead to different shades. If you don’t want to cut in wall by wall, you can also cut in the whole room and then roll it out layer by layer.

If you’re working with another person, the most efficient way to paint the room is one of you cuts in and then the other one rolls out. 

It is important to remember that you shouldn’t let your paint dry after cutting in because rolling out over dry paint may cause the edges to flake. This pro tip is particularly applicable if you’re using darker colors, as rolling out with dry edges is not only challenging, but you will also most likely be left with some markings that could have been avoided.

Tips to Properly Cut In Paint

You know you’ve painted the room right when cutting in lines are not visible. So how do you achieve this? 

The first thing to remember is to always mix all of the paint you think you need to cover the room together. Sometimes, there may be slight differences between the same shade of paint even if made by the same manufacturer, and this can be visible on your walls.

So pour all the paint you need into a bucket, mix them well, and then just pour the paint back into the original cans to ensure that you have the exact same color everywhere.

Another important step to remember is to make sure that you overlap your cut lines when rolling as much as possible. To do this, you need to bring the roller as close to the edge as you can to mix the paint together and such that there are no visible lines. By rolling out over cutting in lines that are still wet, you can ensure that there are no harsh segments or transitions.

If you’re not satisfied with how smooth your cutting in lines turned out, you can try to do better with the next layer. So start by mixing your paint well and make sure that it is not starting to clog up.

Keep your cutting in brush clean before you work on the next coat of paint, because dry paint on your brush can result in uneven results that will be visible when the paint dries out. Also, you can try sanding the cutting in edges to get rid of dry and uneven paint.

Don’t forget to wipe all the dust off so it won’t get caught under the next layer of paint that you’ll apply. 

The Best Painting Company in NYC

While painting your home by yourself can be rewarding, especially if you’ve managed to do it right, this DIY project can be tedious and time-consuming even if you have some company to help you out. So if you want to go the easier route, the most practical approach is to hire a professional painting contractor for your residential painting needs.

Soho Painters is one of the most reputable painting companies in New York that is flexible enough to take on both residential and commercial projects. Want to learn more about how we can help you? Get in touch with us today and let us talk about how we can help you!

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